Photo by Kyle Bushnell on Unsplash

Why you don’t listen to older lawyers (no, really don’t)

Yudistra Darma Dorai
Advocate & Solicitor at Raj, Ong & Yudistra

My tips to be good in court (not seriously good, just good):

  1. Guys: always shave. 
  2. Ladies: real men don’t shave. 
  3. Get a good night’s sleep before a trial. 
  4. Forget sleep. Get up early and get to court on time. 
  5. But, no really, get a good night’s sleep. 
  6. Preparation is the best form of advocacy. 
  7. Sometimes, leaving a blank space is good advocacy. (Think about this one). 
  8. Listen to music before a hearing. Here’s some of my court songs:
  • He’s a pirate (theme from Pirates of the Carribean). 
  • Authority Song, John Mellencamp.
  • Beethoven’s 7th symphony, 4th movement. 
  • I fought the law, The Clash. 
  • Dvorak’s 9th symphony, 4th movement. 
  • Trouble, Elvis (Presley, that is). 
  1. Not pissing off the judge usually helps. 
  2. Be nice to your opponent. It’s your client’s fight, not yours. 
  3. Listen – to the judge, to the witness, to your opponent. 
  4. Watch U. Sashiraj in court whenever you can (that’s the Raj in Raj, Ong & Yudistra by the way). This may also help with the sleeping bit.


Can you copyright a hijab design?

Nurul Hanani A.Legal Associate Yesterday, I was scrolling on TikTok (senior lawyers, and my bosses particularly, please don’t judge me) and saw this post by a brand owner claiming that she obtained the copyright over a particular design for hijabs. Apparently, it bears an L-shape design which makes the styling

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Demystifying “dupes”.

Nurul Hanani A.Legal Associate Some of you may have been eyeing a particular item, from a particular brand. Unfortunately, such an item is beyond your tax bracket. So, what choice do you have other than to resort to a cheaper alternative? (Fret not, I believe a lot of us are

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The Follow Up – Debt Prevention 101 (Pt 3)

Patrick Lim Partner at Raj, Ong & Yudistra In the third instalment of our series exploring debt prevention or to be more accurate, “bad” debt prevention, we will be looking at the practical steps that you can take to keep your accounts current. From our experience helping clients pursue and

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